
被同學嘲笑「過胖」 5歲英女童妙答看成功家庭教育

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據英國《獨立報》報導,5歲的卡貝爾(Cambelle)在上游泳課時,露出了小肚腩而被同學取笑「好胖」,於是回家告訴媽媽艾莉森(Allison Kimmey)。聽到女兒身材被取笑,艾莉森原本很擔心卡貝爾的信心受挫,不過女兒的成熟回應讓她立即鬆了口氣:「我告訴她說,我不是胖,這是身上的脂肪。而且每個人身上都有脂肪,這沒問題的。」同學聽到她的回答後,只說了一句「噢,好吧!」便默默離開。




•My daughter told me that someone called her fat today.• ____________________ Cambelle: “Mama I need to tell you something” Me: “Okay baby, what’s up?”” C: “Yesterday at practice my shirt came up a little bit and my tummy was showing. The girl next to me looked at me and said that my tummy was fat.” >>Insert immediate mama bear reaction in my head’s internal dialogue “Oh no, here we go” I thought to myself<<, but I said: “Oh really? And what did you say to her?” C: “I told her that I’m not fat, I HAVE fat. And that everybody has fat. And I told her it’s okay to have fat.” >>Insert happy dance parenting win<<: “Wow Cambelle! I am SO proud of you for the way you handled that situation. Fat is not a bad word, I don’t think she was trying to hurt your feelings. It was so brave of you to help her understand that all people have fat, but that no one IS fat. And that it doesn’t make you a bad person if you have more or less of it. Did she have anything to say?” C: “She just said ‘oh, okay'” >>I couldn’t believe that my 5 year old daughter had been able to handle a situation with more grace than most 30 year olds.<< C: “Remember that time I told you that you were fat?” Me: “Yes baby, I do.” C: “I’m sorry I did that” Me: “Its’ okay baby, the most important thing is that you learned and now you can teach others and help change the world” ________________ Children aren’t born with hate inside them. They learn words from their environments and the things they see/hear, and they try them on for size. I can’t prepare my daughter for all of life’s situations, but I can help her to be a voice of compassion, humility and love. •And to anyone that will undoubtedly say that this is “promoting obesity,” please understand that preventing childhood bullying before it can even start is not a matter of weight, but of character.• Just do you babes Xoxo Allie & Cambelle

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