
美歌手走出憂鬱症 「別單打獨鬥」、「閱讀聖經」燃起對生命的希望

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基督徒歌手潔米·格蕾絲(Jamie Grace)最近在接受訪問時,談到自己靠著多與他人相處,與閱讀聖經,贏得與憂鬱症的鬥爭,及打消了自殺的念頭。

根據《Christian Post》報導,美國疾病管制與預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)國家衛生統計中心最近發布的一項研究顯示,從2007年到2017年,10至14歲兒童的自殺率幾乎增加了兩倍。數據還顯示,2007年至2017年之間,年齡較大的青少年的自殺率增加了76%。

報告指出,自殺是造成10至14歲兒童,15至19歲青少年和20至24歲青年死亡的第二大死亡原因。 美國國家精神衛生研究所報告指出,在美國死於自殺的人數多於兇殺。家庭研究協會發現,2009至17年間20至21歲兒童得憂鬱症的比例增加了一倍,而18至25歲兒童的焦慮和絕望與2008至2017年相比上升了71%。


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The easiest thing you can do today is embrace the cliche of Monday. To accept that Monday is mundane and annoying and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. And don’t get me wrong, there’s something often anticlimactic about going from a fun weekend to a long work week. It’s not always great. But what if we choose to embrace joy today? What if instead of focusing on the anxious thoughts that cloud our minds while in the office, classroom, studio, store or home, we allow joy to break through? We don’t have to turn today into a musical and sing through every task (I MEAN WE COULD), but what if we chose to be grateful for our jobs or assignments, even the ones that weigh us down? What if we accept that we’re tired but still appreciate that we do have a bed for when it’s time to return to it? What if we go through our day knowing it feels like it lasts too long but at the end of it we’ll still get rest? Even if it’s not as much as we hope for… it’s still rest. Today, i am quieting my mind by choosing to find joy in the things that may seem too “Monday” to feel joyful. Today, anxiety won’t win. Because joy is breaking through, and i choose to accept it. How about you? How are you quieting your mind today? #quietingthemind #quietingmymind

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對此,也曾深陷憂鬱症的潔米強調,在與憂鬱症作抗爭時,不要把自己孤立起來。她說:「與朋友和心靈導師一起,或與年齡較大,更具智慧的人交往,他們將傳授給您生活的智慧,並給予您勇氣和信念」。 潔米強調,如果您周遭有人正在經歷憂鬱症,請務必伸出援手,確保他們沒有單獨的與憂鬱症奮鬥。










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