
回應法國在台協會 有聽到同二代需要一個爸爸、一個媽媽的吶喊嗎?

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而自由時報指《風向新聞》迄未修正錯誤的「20萬人」標題,《風向新聞》已在澄清/風向新聞報導法國反同婚大遊行 竟遭抺黑為假新聞一文中說明,故不在此處再次說明。只想請問自由時報,《風向新聞》報導提到2013年反同婚大遊行,主辦單位聲稱20餘萬人參與,但警方修正為2.4萬人。《風向新聞》更新數據,特別加註在下方說明文中。而當時《BBC》報導寫15萬人,並於內文報導主辦單位估計100萬人,BBC的報導從未提及警方估計人數為2.4萬人,請問自由時報要不要點名BBC,寫一篇新聞錯誤之報導呢?針對自由時報的報導,《風向新聞》已截圖並保留法律追訴權。



法國的婚姻平權:幾個重要的事實!Mariage pour tous en France : voici les faits ! (en français sous le chinois)
我們毫無意圖介入必須由臺灣人自己作出決定的民主辯論。但一個健康的民主辯論必須基於事實 。面對近來有人在網路上散佈關於法國的不實消息,不管其是出於無心的或是蓄意的,都讓我們覺得有必要作出一些事實陳述。
法國在2013年4月23日正式通過同性婚姻法。從那時到現在,已有4萬對同性情侶選擇結婚,約每年7000對,佔結婚人口的3% 。所有調查數據一致顯示,法國絕大多數民衆都支持婚姻平權,同性婚姻已經融入人們的日常生活,法國社會並未像某些有意人士所說的,因婚姻平權法的通過而崩垮。相反的,讓所有人都可以享受婚姻的權利,不論個人的性傾向,證明了社會對人權以及家庭價值的重視。此外,法國總統馬克宏在2017也聲明« 我將無有分別地捍衛所有的家庭。因為相愛的兩個男人,一起撫育小孩,也是一個家庭。因爲相愛的兩位女性,共同養育小孩,也是一個家庭。» 這個法律是為了保障公民之間的平等和強化法國社會凝聚力而制定的,現在已經完全達到當初設定的目標。

法國歷年反同婚活動,各大外媒圖文報導整理 :


Anti-gay marriage demonstrators face riot police, not seen, while teargas canisters smoke during clashes in Paris, France, Sunday May 26, 2013. Tens of thousands of people protested against France’s new gay marriage law in central Paris on Sunday. The law came into force over a week ago, but organizers decided to go ahead with the long-planned demonstration to show their continued opposition as well as their frustration with President Francois Hollande, who had made legalizing gay marriage one of his keynote campaign pledges in last year’s election.(AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)
Anti-gay marriage demonstrators face riot police (not seen) while teargas canisters smoke during clashes in Paris, France, Sunday May 26, 2013. Tens of thousands of people protested against France’s new gay marriage law in central Paris on Sunday. The law came into force over a week ago, but organizers decided to go ahead with the long-planned demonstration to show their continued opposition as well as their frustration with President Francois Hollande, who had made legalizing gay marriage one of his keynote campaign pledges in last year’s election.(AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
Protestors clash with riot police officers during an anti gay marriage and gay adoption demonstration, in Paris, Sunday, March. 24, 2013. Thousands of French conservatives, families and activists have converged on the capital to try to stop the country from allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)


Anti-gay marriage protesters, calling themselves “Les Veilleurs” (The Watchmen), who walked across France to show their opposition to same-sex marriages, gather in Paris, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)


Anti gay marriage protesters block the Champs Elysee during a demonstration in Paris, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Paris riot police fought back crowds who pushed their way onto Paris’ landmark Champs-Elysees Sunday as part of a huge protest against a draft law allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

而2016年10月16日,愛家組織「為全民示威」(la manif pour tous)再次發起大型示威遊行,至今依舊努力為同婚合法後所衍伸之領養及人工生育問題持續提出異議,「為全民示威」並沒有因為同婚過了就不再發聲。再再說明法國在台協會說,同性婚姻已經融入人們的日常生活,並已強化法國社會凝聚力,有所出入,這句話有故意引導閱聽眾,法國人民已完全接受同婚及其後續衍生問題之嫌。

An anti gay marriage protester holds a flag with the logo of the anti gay marriage as he stands in front of riot police officers at the Champs Elysee during a demonstration in Paris, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Paris riot police fought back crowds who pushed their way onto Paris’ landmark Champs-Elysees Sunday as part of a huge protest against a draft law allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)


Thousands of anti gay marriage protesters demonstrate in Paris, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Thousands of French conservatives, families and activists have converged on the capital to try to stop the country from allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

在2013年反同婚遊行一名被同性伴侶收養的法籍越南裔孤兒伯努瓦(Benoit Talleu)站在台上反對同性伴侶收養。他說:「我不是你的獎品,更不是你的權利!」伯努瓦表示,同性婚姻真正的主角是「兩個相愛的同性者」,讓孩子淪為這場所謂同志人權運動的籌碼。他強調,小孩想要一個爸爸、一個媽媽是出於自然地渴望,這是人性的深處,但從未有人真正在乎。

Anti gay marriage protestors gather during a demonstration against French President Francois Hollande’s social reform on gay marriage and adoption, in Paris, Sunday, May 26, 2013. The law came into force over a week ago, but organizers decided to go forward with Sunday’s long-planned demonstration to show their continued opposition as well as their frustration with President Francois Hollande, who had made legalizing gay marriage one of his keynote campaign pledges in last year’s election. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
Demonstrators hold flags and banner as they take part in a demonstration organised by the movement La Manif pour tous against what are seen as new offensives against the family and education, in Paris, France – 16/10/2016 (Sipa via AP Images)

而同志家庭經人工生育製造下一代也站出來反同婚。根據2014年1月19日《Chinese Manif》報導,自2013年初反對同性婚姻及領養法令的運動發起以來,一年內法國陸續見證了不同草根運動的掘起。其中一個就是淚眼戰士(Hommen)。Hommen 是人的意思,他們利用戲劇方式來反對同婚、反對同志家庭領養和以人工生育方式孕育下一代。他們的口號很簡單,就是︰「保護兒童」(Protect kids)!。



淚眼戰士其中一名成員孟半仁(Manuel Half),是一名由男同志以非法人工生育方式孕育出的下一代。他對於他的同志爸爸是用錢來購買他,以及不准他有母親而憤怒。在一次他感到完全絕望的時候,嘗試上網尋找其他與他一樣是同志家庭以人工生育方式製造出來的孩子,他發現了淚眼戰士運動,決定要站出來為兒童應該擁有一個爸爸及一個媽媽的基本權益而奮鬥。






20141117愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
20141117愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書


愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書
愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)臉書


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