
澄清/風向新聞報導法國反同婚大遊行 竟遭抺黑為假新聞

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法國愛家組織「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)於2013-2016年發起反同婚遊行,要求政府廢除同性婚姻。去年風向新聞報導《法20萬人遊行要求廢同婚法 高喊「一個母親、一個父親」》,卻遭有心單位以「假新聞」抺黑。風向新聞舉出各外媒說法並還原新聞,呼籲廣大支持者不要被抹黑造謠所影響,忽視了真正的事實與真相,更犧牲了新聞報導的言論自由。






In this over-head view made from the Eiffel Tower, some thousands of people gather on the “Champs de Mars”, in Paris, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013. Protesters are mobilizing against the French president’s plan to legalize gay marriage, streaming into Paris by bus, car and train. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)
Demonstrators march with flags and placards during a rally to protest gay marriage in Paris, Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016. Thousands of people have marched in Paris to call for the repeal of a law allowing gay marriage, six months before France’s next presidential election.(AP Photo/Michel Euler)

各家外媒報導 :

據《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,「為全民示威」(La Manif Pour Tous)2013年首次在巴黎舉行反同婚遊行。當時警方估計,活動尚天約有15萬人,不過主辦單位則宣稱有100萬人。期間,極右派人士與警方發生衝突,當局稱近100名抗議民眾被捕。

Plainclothes police officers detain a demonstrator during clashes in Paris, Tuesday, April 23, 2013. France legalized gay marriage on Tuesday after a wrenching national debate that exposed deep conservatism in the nation’s heartland and triggered huge demonstrations that tapped into intense discontent with the Socialist government. Within hours, fiery clashes broke out between protesters and riot police. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)
Protestors clash with riot police officers during an anti gay marriage and gay adoption demonstration, in Paris, Sunday, March. 24, 2013. Thousands of French conservatives, families and activists have converged on the capital to try to stop the country from allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
Protestors clash with riot police officers during an anti gay marriage and gay adoption demonstration, in Paris, Sunday, March. 24, 2013. Thousands of French conservatives, families and activists have converged on the capital to try to stop the country from allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children. The lower house of France’s parliament approved the “marriage for everyone” bill last month with a large majority, and it’s facing a vote in the Senate next month. Both houses are dominated by French President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

BBC指出,會造成社會極大反彈,是因為時任總統歐蘭德(Francois Hollande)簽署了同性婚姻合法化、以及同性戀合法收養的法案,而這項議題在法國社會中仍處於相當大的分歧。根據英國《電訊報》指出,警方還對步步抗議民眾使用催淚瓦斯。



根據《Lifesite news》報導,一份關於警察暴力鎮壓的報告指出,自2012年底以來,捍衛傳統家庭價值和兒童權利的法國公民,參加了法國各地的和平抗議活動。報告指出,從2013年5月24至26日,就有350名抗議者被捕,並被拘留長達三天。警方也以催淚瓦斯對人群暴力壓制。




2017年,《中央社》曾依璇專訪法國天主教家庭協會(AFC)主席安德瑞斯(Jean-Marie Andrès)時表示,遺憾法國當時沒有探討家庭下一代的本質問題以及婚姻的意義,就讓法案輕易通過。「如果社會分歧,更不要急著通過,因為這是一條製造對立及鴻溝的法案」。(資料整理/艾以琳 、吳雯淇)

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