鞋子太寒酸被霸凌 他送同學喬丹鞋挺:再被欺負跟我說!
校園時常傳出霸凌事件,有些人會默不吭聲,但也有人會選擇挺身而出。美國南卡羅來納州格林伍德高中,一名學生貝茲(Taylor Bates)家境不好穿著較為「樸素」,成為被同級生霸凌的對象。他的同學摩爾(Tae Moore)聽到後,做了一件讓他感動萬分的事。
I posted this the other day, but here’s some of the video! #StopBullying
Greenwood High School senior Tae Moore said fellow student Taylor Bates had been mistreated on campus and he wanted to do something about it. “He’s just a cool nice kid who wants to be a rapper,” said Moore.”I’ve heard he’s been getting bullied around school and stuff so I wanted to do something for him.” Bothered after hearing about students teasing Bates for the way he dressed and looked, Moore seized an opportunity to help out in his own way.
Taylor Bates, who also raps and goes by the name ‘Eazy T’ told FOX that he had only met Moore the previous day when he presented him with a special gift at school.
Me and Tae met yesterday at school when he asked me what size shoe I wear,” said Bates.
The next day, Bates was shocked when he met back up with Tae Moore and was given a brand new pair of shoes. “He gave me a pair of retro Jordan’s because he said that he don’t like it that people picking on me at school,” said Bates.
由 Chelsea Beauregard 發佈於 2016年11月7日 星期一